service what it is. This is person centred support, that means being part of a respectful, compassionate and helpful team. We are proud that our support service extends to family and carers, this means we always have time for a chat or to discuss any concerns, to listen and to support both service user and parent/carer
Tushie and Kye Tidman are co founders of Achieve day support, a micro day support service based in Taunton, Somerset with over 25 years combined experience working with people with learning disabilities.
We are activity and project facilitators supporting people to achieve their potential and beyond with a focus on life skills, work based training and wellbeing. We are proud to offer a small service for those who want to develop skills and Achieve independence as much as possible. Keeping groups small means our passion, experience and skill sets are available to everyone who makes our day support
Day Support for Adults with Learning Disabilities

What we offer
We have several projects running at any one time so if you're interested please get in touch for a free taster.

( For Anybody’s Body)
Tushie has been running and facilitating dance and music sessions in Somerset for 12 years after training under a professional dancer. She has established dance and music sessions within many day services in the Taunton area, which still continue to run.
Tushie is now running a drop in session for anybodys body (F.A.B) every Wednesday.
Passionate about creating a safe space for individuals of all abilities to explore, create and if desired to perform.
These sessions are person centred, fully inclusive and designed to encourage the individual to experience the magic of music and movement, its ability to build confidence, improve mental and physical wellbeing and create happiness in our bodies and in our lives.

The pop up cauldron is a cooking based project run by Achieve, focusing on life skills and training. Each week we work as a team to develop recipes with hygiene, safety and personal development in mind. We focus on quality home cooked foods that can be reproduced easily at home. For those that want to, the project stretches out to community events where members of the pop up cauldron crew work together to prepare and serve food to supporters of the project, raising money for training and further development.
F.A.B Dance

This is something Kye and Tushie feel is a vital service for everyone they support. Our life skills day is based around things such as basic budgeting/money management, health and hygiene, safeguarding concerns, road safety skills and support with becoming confident using public transport, to promote independence within the local community. Training in skills such as first aid, manual handling and food hygiene are supported and funded though "The pop up cauldron" events. We are always open to new ideas and suggestions and will always try to help with any problems or concerns brought to us.
All our Sessions are open to people in Taunton and surrounding areas.
Limited transport is available from the Bridgwater, Taunton and Wellington areas and we encourage and support public transport where possible.

Life Skills

Ethos and guiding principles
Everyone is a unique individual
Everyone always has the potential to achieve more for themselves
Everyone has the right to respect and dignity
Our support service extends to family and carers
Our support service is committed to protecting all individuals in our care , we believe we have a responsibility to promote the welfare of all service users in our care, to keep them safe and practice in a way that protects them
Please feel free to contact us and enquire how we can support you your potential and beyond

Tel: 07896127877